
A/D- Move around

S Jump

Left click- dash

S + A or D- climb up walls and ceiling 



Project distress, an early prototype made for the ludum dare game jam, this game's original Idea was to  tests you agility, timing and movement within a limited space. 

However this is still currently an early prototype,   the project is open for UX feedback and suggestions to make the final game more fun and innovative. I wanted to still submit it to show my efforts within a new engine.

The goal 

the goal for this months jam was to learn the Godot engine, I am fully fluent in both C# and C++ however with the recent news, I wanted to teach myself something new. another goal being that it will build confidence in my programming knowledge. 

due to having complications with schedule, it left me with little time to develop the prototype fully, however I decided to still publish it for feedback and ideas. 

which can be found in this survey here:

what I learned during the jam

I learned that it requires a lot of patience to learn an engine like Godot, whilst I commend their signal system, sometimes even navigating through the engine is a bit complicated, however I will adapt with time and hopefully master the engine like I did with unity. 


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