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Some stuff I'd say people already said. It's not a bad game but the controls sometimes felt a little clunky (maybe just the collision or skill diff), also I think I finished the game in like 2 minutes? Not sure if that is intended or not I was just running around shooting and the game ended lol

Interesting game. But I wish it told how to skip text in-game because I was just waiting a long time for something to happen after hitting play and all I had to do was hit space. 

Will include that in the update. thank you for bringing that to attention :)

Definitely feels like a solid foundation for a game and some interesting mechanics already. The art is simple but reads well and the music is very fitting.

I'm not a fan of the super zoomed in camera but if that's your vibe/style then go for it. I wish there was more to explore and play with as it seems like you've got some stuff going on with the magic selection with the Q button but sadly none of it works.

Looking forward to the update :)